NT Labs Mediclay

Sale price£10.40 Regular price£13.00

Mediclay is a high-purity montmorillonite clay containing a variety of minerals and trace elements which are beneficial to fish health and water quality and clarity. Montmorillonite clays are produced by the weathering of volcanic ash, and are hence high in minerals.


Mediclay stimulates the biological system in favour of beneficial bacteria helping to reduce algae. Mediclay will also “polish” the water resulting in amazing clarity to observe your fish.

It is also widely accepted that the use of montmorillonite clays, such as Mediclay, enhance the skin quality and brightens the colours of fish.

When to use?

Use as a weekly additive to re-mineralise pond water to control the build up of organic waste, bacteria and pollutants which cause bacterial infections and ill health.

Do not use within 48 hours of applying a medication.

How to use?

  • Mix the required dose in a clean bucket/watering can of pond water then pour over the surface of the pond or at a filter outlet to ensure an even spread.
  • For clarifying the water, Mediclay is best applied via the pump or venturi so that it is rapidly mixed with the water returning to the pond.
  • Use in conjunction with other NT Labs water treatments but leave 48 hours after using an NT Labs Medication before applying Mediclay.
  • Mediclay can be used at any time of year (water temperature) and will not alter the water pH.


There are two different dose rates depending on what is required:

  • To improve water quality and clarity - 100g per 4500 litres / per week
  • If fish have body damage or have symptoms of ill health - 200g per 4500 litres / per week
Size: 1.5kg
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